You should do thorough research on the stock/company whose shares you want to invest in India.
Want to know about external factors that may affect the share price?
Internal factors are controlling performance, management cost, quality of management, etc., while external factors are political environment, economic scandals, changes in regulations or government policies, financial consequences, etc.
The price of a share depends on many internal and external factors.
These factors may result in affecting stock prices.
Keep an eye on stocks and their prices that may be affected by news or events.
Or likely to be affected by these factors.
Therefore, please be cautious about these factors (internal and external) which may directly or indirectly affect a company or industry.
For this, you have to track the stock market and news regularly.
Also, make timely decisions to succeed in the stock market.
However, to earn maximum profit, shop at dips and sell at peaks.
Therefore, if you are using a public computer, do not save your username, password or any other details as this information is likely to be misused.
Confidential: Do not disclose your Demat account password to anyone and change it from time to time.
Avoid speculation: Do not shy away from any rumors or information about the company from reliable sources before making any decision and get information about a particular share or company.
Want to know the Do's and Don'ts for online stock trading?
Security: Do not do online stock trading from websites that do not start with HTTP.
HTTPS sites are secure and are therefore considered ideal for online share transactions.